Quest:A Bitter Thaw

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A Bitter Thaw
Level 85
Type Solo
Starts with Cyneberg
Starts at Scylfig
Start Region Wildermore
Map Ref [33.5S, 59.7W]
Ends with Cyneberg
Ends at Scylfig
End Region Wildermore
Map Ref [33.5S, 59.7W]
Quest Group Wildermore: Writhendowns
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'No, There is nothing you can do for me! Leave me. Just leave me alone.

'Help the others. I cannot bear to watch them struggle.'


With the attack on Scylfig over and many, many great losses counted, the survivors must begin to break the ice and recover from their grief.

Objective 1

Cyneberg, stricken by grief from the loss of her father and Thrymm, has asked you to leave her alone.

You should help the survivors in Scylfig break the strange ice left in the wake of the attack.

Oswi: 'What ... what is this ice all around us? I have never seen anything like it. I looked around when all the fighting was done, and there it was, like swords thrust from the earth.
'We are a strong lot, we will survive.'
'I have been trying to break it all morning, and my arms tire. Will you help me clear some of the debris?'
Oswi is baffled by the great ice-spikes, and exhausted from trying to chip away at them

Objective 2

  • Clear the ice shards from Oswi's home

Ice shards can be found in front of the door to Oswi's home.

You should clear the shards from Oswi's home.

Cleared ice shards from Oswi's home

Objective 3

Cyneberg, stricken by grief from the loss of her father and Thrymm, has asked you to leave her alone.

You should help the survivors in Scylfig break the strange ice left in the wake of the attack.

Portred: 'My horse is trapped! There is too much debris, and I must get to her. Please help her! She is frightened.
'The horse is not the only one who is frightened.'
Portred is too shaken by the terrifying events of the battle to free his horse.

Objective 4

  • Clear ice shards from the stable

Ice shards can be found in front of the stable near Portred.

You should clear the shards to free Portred's horse.

Cleared shards from the stable

Objective 5

Cyneberg, stricken by grief from the loss of her father and Thrymm, has asked you to leave her alone.

You should help the survivors in Scylfig break the strange ice left in the wake of the attack.

Saxburg: 'There is ice everywhere, but everyone has their hands full! Please help -- we need to be able to get to the barn near the stables!'

Objective 6

  • Remove ice shards from in front of the barn door

Ice shards can be found blocking the door to the barn near Saxburg.

You should clear away the shards of ice.

Removed shards of ice from the barn door

Objective 7

Cyneberg is in Scylfig.

You have aided the villagers, should now see if Cyneberg is recovered enough to speak with you.

Cyneberg: 'I saw what you did for my people, and I thank you. I ... I hope they can rebuild, for I know I cannot.'